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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Walt Disney, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr. and Steve Jobs were all extraordinary people for one fundamental reason, they had some GREAT BELIEFS. Three quotes come to mind when asking what those GREAT BELIEFS might have been:

1. Everything in the realm of imagination IS in the realm of reality!
2. Great people are just ordinary people with extraordinary determination.
3. You must change a flat tire with the same enthusiasm that you unwrap a gift!

Each believed that their dreams had the capability to be a reality. Each were determined to make their dreams a reality. And when a road block or speed bump came along, each accepted it, problem solved and with great enthusiasm continued forward.Walt Disney experienced bankruptcy at the age of 22 after a cartoon failure in Kansas City. Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985. Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Jr. battled unjust systems. What propelled them forward were their GREAT BELIEFS and the desire to build a better future. They saw their road blocks as a gift and a chance to start fresh.

Walt Disney once stated, "All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. Mickey Mouse popped out of my mind and on to my drawing pad 20 years ago on a train ride from Manhattan to Hollywood at a time when business fortunes were at lowest ebb and disaster seemed right around the corner."

Being that it is November and the month of Thanksgiving, what adversity or road blocks are you thankful for and have looked at as a gift? What has propelled you forward to make your dreams a reality?

In health and wellness,
Seattle Wellness Group