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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chiropractic and Children's Health

Chiropractic is not just for adults. Nor is it simply for those experiencing symptoms, seeking pain relief. Chiropractors are nervous system doctors, and we all have a nervous system! Now you have to ask yourself, when is the body at one of it's most vulnerable states? When it's GROWING, or when it's constantly meeting new and unfamiliar pressures.

Here, we know that subluxations can and do occur on a daily basis thanks to the hundreds of stresses we put ourselves through. Perspective wise, think about how many new pressures and stresses our kids have compared to us. Not only this, but the first subluxation commonly occurs at birth!

Because children are so fragile, the traumas to their spine and nervous system are easier to correct when young, compared to waiting until adulthood where certain uncorrected traumas become the most difficult to correct problems. Bedwetting, for instance, is seen as a "phase" just as ear infections are written off as a "common ache," but truly these pains at ANY age are a signal that the body is in distress. Subluxations could be the cause! Rather than using adult techniques, we use special low force techniques to adjust kids and consider each child on an individual basis.

Our office loves taking care of families. We just witnessed the blessing of one of our dearest patients giving birth to a beautiful baby girl and cannot wait to check her nervous system at just a couple days old.

You love the people you take care of, let us take care of the people you love :)

1 comment:

  1. Chiropractors are quite conservative in their approach. They don’t practice the usage of drugs and surgery for a large extent.
    Mohsen Zargar
