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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Protect Your Quarterback!!

The quarterback's job is complex. He's the one player who calls the offensive plays that determine whether or not the entire team scores. He passes the ball to the receivers or the running backs. He has to communicate very clearly to his team while at the same time trying to confuse his opponents who want nothing more than to knock his block off, take him down, push him back, and even injure him enough to take him out of the game.

He needs protection. In fact, he requires linemen who are willing to take a lot of punishment to keep him healthy and doing every aspect of his job. And these linemen need to stay healthy and doing every aspect of his job. And these linemen need to stay healthy and agile too. It's beautiful and symbiotic, that relationship between a quarterback and the rest of his team. The quarterback is looked to as the leader, but even he knows that he is nothing without protection.

It's that time of year when we gather with friends and family around the television to root for the home team, or whoever we grew up cheering for. We watch the action and the plays, but do you see that what you're watching is just another wonderful example of how your body strives to function every day?

The quarterback is like your nervous system. It calls the shots, its makes the plays. Through the autonomic portion, it is regulating digestion, respiration, circulation, immune function, and many other systems. It also plays the key role in allowing you to operate all muscle control in your body. Every blink, twitch, pull, push, lift, step, and twist is performed because your nervous system is able to call the plays. When something in your body isn't working as it should, it can't effectively call the plays, and it usually means that on or more of your "linemen" have either gotten lazy or injured to the point of creating a hole in your offensive line.

Your primary line of defense - your linemen - is represented by your spine, those twenty-four able-bodied vertebra that each have a significant role to play in this game. If they are able to maintain healthy motion and correct position, then they are able to protect the quarterback effectively. If they break down, the team in general stops functioning as a unit and nothing works the way it should. All of a sudden, it's not as much fun to watch or even play this game.

So if you are the owner of a team that isn't getting it done on the field of play, if your body isn't working as smoothly as it should, no matter what is malfunctioning, look to your spine. This is getting to the root of the problem, because if your vertebrae have lost their motion or alignment, there is no way that you will ever make it to the big game.

Stick with your chiropractic care, because everyone wants to be a part of the big game.

(via Country Clinic)

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